
Callistemon Viridiflorous Green Bottle Brush Plant

Callistemon viridiflorous Green Bottle Brush Plant 10 litre plant

  • From Tasmania in Australia a great evergreen plant with Bottle brush like flowers in the summer.
  • Wind hardy and great for most gardens.
  • Best in full sun in a free draining soil.


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Callistemon viridiflorus, or Green Bottlebrush, is an evergreen shrub from Tasmania, Australia. It has narrow, lance-shaped green leaves that give it a sleek, elegant look. In late spring, it blooms with bright green, bottlebrush-like flowers. These mildly scented flowers attract bees and butterflies. However, the plant does not produce berries.

It grows up to 2.5 meters in height and spread, thriving in well-drained, sandy or loamy soil. It prefers full sun, tolerates wind, and adapts well to coastal locations. Fully hardy, it withstands cooler temperatures. Non-toxic and safe, it’s an excellent choice for any garden.

ll-suited for coastal locations. Fully hardy and able to withstand cooler temperatures, it is also non-toxic, making it a safe garden choice.


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