Autumn planting is creeping up on us and the first sign it’s just around the corner is here, with spring flowering bulbs currently decorating the walls and shelves of the shop – and greeting visitors outside, on approach to the shop entrance!
Right now is the BEST time to buy your bulbs, with the full selection of bulbs readily available and masses of colour to plan for next spring! By far the most popular picks include a wide range of narcissi including daffodils, and a wide range of tulips, but there is much more available too, from crocus to hyacinths, alliums to snowdrops, irises to muscari – combined they offer a wide range of fabulous spring bloomers, set to create stunning displays come spring.
In addition, around half of the bulb packets available are 3 for £10 (as marked) – meaning you can enjoy even more glorious spring colour for your money!