Trevena Cross strives to offer excellent value for money at all times, but everyone loves a special offer, and at Trevena Cross we aim to please!
Many of the garden centre’s plant special offers are not a compromise on quality or a desperate attempt to get rid of old stock. As growers, we actually grow plants to be special offers – they have this purpose from the outset, so that we are always able to offer something affordable for all. Sometimes we also need more space to store plants on the nursery, and so a batch of X will come down to the garden centre as a special, just to free up some space – not because it is poor quality or soon to die!
Our current special offers (plants and non-plants) are detailed below. Some of these are longstanding offers while others will be for a limited time only. These are regularly changing and so it’s worth checking back every so often for the latest!
Special Offers:
- Half price plant specials (at the front of the shop)
- FREE plant (regularly changing) on completion of the children’s animal hunt

Bargain Bay
For those really seeking a bargain and willing to offer a bit of TLC, and have a little patience, we have our infamous ‘bargain bay’ around near the hedging section, which is always worth a rummage and can lead to some real finds! Plants that have seen better days generally find their way to the bargain bay, and are available at massively discounted prices. With the correct care and attention however, they will usually bounce back in no time to become great ‘bargain’ additions to the garden! A popular stop-off with a number of regular visitors, the bargain bay offers the ultimate special offer!