Just over a year ago we introduced you to a fabulous garden helper – Rockdust, which we were very excited to begin stocking at the time. A year on and we’re still the only garden centre stockist in West Cornwall, and one of only a few in the whole county!
Proud to be in the minority for such a fabulous product, we thought it deserved more time in the spotlight, in anticipation of the main upcoming growing season.
In the last year lots of Trevena Cross customers have tried using Rockdust, and been very excited and impressed by the results. Garden centre and nursery owner Graham, has too had experience of using this crushed ancient volcanic rock in the last year, for the first time, as he shares below:
“Last year I applied a one tonne bag of Rockdust to one acre of my land – my new fruit orchard.
The results were astonishing.
The dark green foliage, and healthy looking, unblemished growth could be attributed only to the Rockdust – especially during what was such a poor year for growing. Any remaining doubt regarding the effectiveness of Rockdust was quashed when the less satisfying results of my ‘Rockdust-free’ plot were revealed. The difference between the two was vast.
The nutritional benefits are also unquestionable.
Our food is reliant on the soil it grows in for minerals and nutrients. In the UK we’re food rich, but mineral poor. Generally our soils are over-cultivated and depleted of minerals and trace elements. With such mineral deficient soil – up to 95% deficient in many cases – we cannot ignore that we’re missing out on the vital nutrition which plays a crucial role in determining our overall health and well-being.
I would say, don’t be put off by the price of Rockdust. It’s true, large quantities can soon burn a hole in the pocket, but there are ways to keep costs down and still benefit from this fantastic product. Make best use of it on your regularly cultivated veg crops such as cut and come again salads, watercress, tomatoes, spinach, cabbages – crops you’re intensively producing and feeding on year round. Use it in your tunnel or greenhouse, or on a smaller scale in your growbags, and herb window boxes – the small cartons are ideal for this. Worry less about the likes of deep rooting fruit trees, they will find their own nutrients”.
Graham has been so impressed with the results of Rockdust, that he has acquired another one tonne bag this year, to apply to his older, 7-8 year old orchard – a plot that missed out last year.
For higher yields and healthier fruit and veg, visit us for your Rockdust needs!…
450g carton – £3.49
20kg bag – £9.99
1 tonne bag (delivered) – £198.00
The home of Rockdust is the SEER Centre.