O Christmas Tree

“O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, much pleasure do you bring me…”

It’s true, the time is here again.

Cut Christmas trees 2013 at Trevena Cross  Little potted Christmas trees

The time to put a large tree in our living rooms!…and for it take pride of place for the next few weeks. For some of us, it’s the only time of the year that we will buy a tree, but that doesn’t stop us becoming experts at picking the right one. The right type, the right height, the right shape… many of us are meticulous when it comes to the Christmas tree, and why not? It’s an important symbol of Christmas and a great focal point in the home!

We started with around 2,000 trees, but numbers are fast diminishing. Last weekend was a busy one and this weekend coming is expected to top the last.

Great Christmas tree tips will ensure you enjoy your cut tree or potted tree for the entire festive period:

* Choose a tree that fits the space you have. Seems a silly thing to say, but the tree will look much bigger once you get it home and into the house!

* A British grown tree (like all of ours!) will generally be much better quality, grown by great tree farms, in our climate, and not simply imported for the Christmas period.

* Check for freshness before you take yours home – it should be completely green (no brown patches!) Run your fingers down the branches to ensure excess needles don’t fall (a few is normal).

* Cut the bottom inch of trunk off your tree when you get it home and stand it in a bucket of water outside until you’re ready to bring it in.

* Position your tree away from direct heat like fires and radiators once indoors, and try and place it in a stand with water if possible so that the tree can continue to drink – it’s amazing how much they will take up!

For more information about our Trevena Cross Christmas trees, including a link  to our full size and price guide, click here.

PLUS – this year enjoy a free tea or coffee in the Garden Kitchen Cafe after you’ve exhausted your tree search and it’s safely tucked up in the car!

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