One of the biggest – and most noticeable – changes going on here at the start of this fresh new year, can be found in the shop. Part of the gift area has undergone a BIG transformation – and has emerged as home to a HUGE selection of heavenly houseplants and all their accessories, from colour coordinated pots to watering cans, misters, houseplant food and decorative aggregates.
If you’re in need of a houseplant fix this is fast becoming the place to be! You will be truly spoilt for choice as you wander, admire and enjoy the real ‘wow factor’ display. #trevenahouseplants
Here at Trevena Cross the team are all too aware of the understandable increase in demand and interest in houseplants in recent years. Having stocked them on a fairly small scale, in comparison with all of our outdoor plants, we felt now was the right time to give them the limelight and make a real showstopping splash of these little beauties!
Houseplants make you feel good. They bring a bit of nature into the home, can lift your mood on darker winter days and nights and they actually improve the quality of air we breathe. They remove toxins from the air – according to NASA research, up to 87% of volatile organic compounds (VOCs, emitted from furnishings, detergents, paint etc), every 24 hours!… and all in return for little more than a bit of understanding and TLC.
Following on from Houseplant Week last week #HouseplantWeekUK and Blue Monday yesterday #bluemonday it feels the perfect time to be talking houseplants, and particularly the positive effects that they can have on the home/workplace/school etc and its residents – both their mental and physical health.
According to numerous recent scientific studies, the psychological benefits of indoor plants can include:
- Improved mood (especially over the past couple of years during the Covid pandemic)
- Reduced stress levels (caring for houseplants provides a sense of purpose)
- Improved attention span
- Increased worker productivity (e.g. in workplaces)
- Increased pain tolerance (e.g. in hospitals)
…And the physical benefits include…
- Reduced blood pressure
- Reduced fatigue and headaches
- Decreased post-operative pain (e.g. in hospitals)
During a period of time when we have all spent an awful lot of time indoors, that connection with the outdoors and nature (particularly during severe lockdown days) is something many will have craved, especially those lacking any gardens or outdoor space. Those with houseplants may have felt a little relief from that craving, as nature was brought into the home and was able to inspire and engage adults and children alike. Hopefully lockdown days are behind us but the value we put on things – like houseplants – during these more challenging times, shouldn’t be forgotten, and should be carried with us going forwards.
We look forward to seeing you soon – and if you don’t arrive a houseplant fan, we’re pretty confident that you will leave as one!