Bedding and bulb arrivals signal seasonal changes

As we cling on to the last couple of weeks of summer (please just a little bit more sunshine…please please!) and people head home after the holidays, thoughts turn to the seasons ahead, the slightly less bright but definitely more breezy autumn – when bulb planting is a must!… And winter – when bedding plants do a great job at bringing colour to darker spaces.

Both bedding and bulbs are being thrust upon us this week; an unavoidable sign of the changing seasons and our imminent changing gardens. (Pop by to pick both up over the bank holiday weekend!)

While the BBQ may not see much more action after the next month or so (if we get lucky this September!) there will still be plenty of action in the garden before dormancy of winter hits. Preparations for next spring can begin; planting your favourite shrubs, trees, climbers, and bulbs for a fantastic spring display, sowing green manure for great spring soil, and of course preparation for the looming winter can also get underway during the beautiful autumn, both by making a big, bold, colourful bedding statement and doing practical checks of useful autumn/winter structures, e.g. the greenhouse, shed and compost bin.

Another summer may well be drawing to a close but we hope you’ve had a wonderful one… and of course there’s still plenty left to look forward to this 2016!

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