The ground is still warm but with lots of moisture in it now thanks to recent rainfall, so conditions are pretty ‘perfect’ for autumn planting.
Luckily we have lots of temptations to get you in the mood!..
Shrubs – 3 for £20:
A fantastic selection of two litre shrubs are spilling off benches and are waiting to become the backbone of gardens big and small. This handy 2L size is well established and ready to romp away when planted, but is small enough to remain a very economical and mobile buy! All grown on site, our shrubs have been nurtured in quality, fertilised growing media, and are robust, healthy specimens that will happily transplant into gardens, local or afar. Priced at £7.50 each, the multibuy offer gives you a pocket money saving too, for an added bonus (even though they’re definitely an excellent value for money long term investment at full price!)
2L Perennials – 3 for £10:
Our huge selection of perennials, all grown right here in our nursery, create a sea of colour and interest through the summer, and even though flowering time may have peaked for the vast majority, the beauty of the perennial is that they will be back next year full of energy, ready to put on a show all over again! Simply chop them back, plant out now – in perfect planting conditions – and await their revival next year! For some of course, there is year round interest, and perennials like the heuchera, with its varied coloured fabulous foliage, will slip into a pot or border right now and begin working its magic! The multibuy offer gives you an impressive £9.50 saving too! (£6.50 each).
2L lavenders are also available at 3 for £10 – snap them up before they’re gone.
Half Price 3L & 4L perennials:
This is a limited time offer and will stay in place only until our brand new perennials tunnels are erected and our larger plants find a home again! For now though, there are real bargains to be had, with the larger perennials, all grown on site, available at a fraction of what would still be excellent value for money!.. £3.75 for a 3L and just £4.25 for a 4L. As with the two litre perennials, these can be chopped down and planted out, ready to bring masses of joy in a perennial or mixed border, or in pots, next year!
Bedding Plants 4 for £10:
Instant colour to replace summer colour can be found in our homegrown autumn/winter bedding packs. Pansies and violas are available in packs of six plants, with four packs available on a multibuy for just £10! That’s a £1 saving per pack! (Individually £3.50 each). We also have nursery grown cyclamen ready to bring colour until Christmas and beyond, also available at £3.50 per pack, (not available in the multibuy offer). Polyanthus and primroses are also ready to bring colour to those winter pots and borders.
Other autumn buys not to be missed:
Hardy hedging – We grow many thousands of hardy hedging plants in our nursery, most suited to coastal conditions (to varying degrees). Our plants are bushy and robust not thin and leggy – we wont compromise bushiness for height. If we cut the plant back a bit smaller it will only be because we want a hedging plant that will romp away and become a dense, robust hedge in situ. Height isn’t everything while establishing!
Ornamental trees, fruit trees & bushes – perfect planting time for new trees and bushes, including stocking up on the more permanent edible garden! Lots in stock to ponder over right now, with more due in over the next couple of weeks.
Grasses – always stealing the limelight at this time of year, grasses are looking really splendid. Full of texture and movement they make wonderful versatile additions to the garden landscape.
Bulbs – a whole host fabulous spring flowering bulbs await your deliberation! What’s your pick for Spring 2023 – daffodils or tulips? Crocus or irises? Whatever you decide, you’ll be rewarded with fabulous colour next spring.
If this doesn’t give you enough reasons to visit then we’re not sure what will, well besides our shop full of houseplants (including British grown!), gifts and quite a big hint of Christmas… yes you read that right, Christmas! Plus the Garden Kitchen Cafe is as reliable as ever at providing some delicious sustenance, so no need to leave due to thirst or hunger either!